On the 7th of October, Wednesday.
. Tomoko
. Uncle Hiro
& Myself. :P
Damn a lot of people right?
We got out our umbrellas and walked/waited in the rain.

A picture of me, Kelly & Yun. Umbrellas in tow, taking a pic in front of the entrance.
A picture of Yun (with a Minnie headband that she had bought), me and Mak ru. Waiting under the rainless archway. :P
Same again, but with Kelly. X3
A picture Jenny jieh jieh took when we weren't paying attention. See me enjoying the breeze? :]
We started to get really bored... So we started cam-whoring.
When they got there, the first meeting?
I was like bowing to everyone, hello here hello there.
So many people man, his family (4), his cousins' family (5), his ah ma, his po po and a tour guide!
They were all really nice, I really liked them. :]
Anyway, we all (the WHOLE group of us) walked around riding many rides and such la.
On the VERY FIRST ride (Indiana Jones), his younger cousin asked me 'Shoo Wenn, Shoo Wenn, are you going to sit next to Elisha on this ride?!?!~'.
I was like... EHHHHHHHH?!
SHOCKED man... She knew something.
The question is, what?
The fact that I like him, or something else?!?!
It was killing me, STILL IS.
Anyway, in the end, I dunno how it happened.
But I ended up sitting next to him on the Indiana Jones ride... :S
We kept walking around then, going on rides.
It was all really fun. :]
I made friends with his whole family!
But every time I walked next to him/ talked to him/ looked at him either his cousin/brother or Yun/Kelly would be giggling behind us.
GOSH it was irritating!
Anyway, here are a few more pics.
This was taken at about... 5ish? So many hours later. :P We were resting from walking too much. X3
Aunty Amy (the tour guide - in yellow), Jenny Jieh Jieh (blue), Uncle Victor (Abigail's dad - brown), Abigail, Aunty Lily (Abigail's mum), Me, Yun, Aunty Jenny (Sha's mum), Nicole, Sam, Sha, Kelly, Uncle Jacob (Sha's dad), David, Sha's Ah Ma & Sha's Po Po.
The next day, the typhoon had passed and it was a nice BRIGHT and SUNNY day!~ XD
Uncle Hiro went home to Yokohama, and instead came Uncle Mitsu!~
They (the adults) told us to wait until the afternoon, you know?
Just in case the typhoon came, which of course IT DIDN'T.
So we went anyway, reaching Disneyland at about 2PM. "=.=
GOSH, so damn late, right?
But effing worth it! XD
A picture I took of myself, outside the Disneyland ticketing booth. :P
Me & Kelly walking to the ticketing booth. (Yun had to go home, she had exams.)
We had taken a few pictures in from of the Magic Castle, they had set off to meet them (Sha's family).
I would have uploaded the pictures, but I uploaded another one instead, so yeah.
Anyway, we met them.
But today, no one was sniggering at us, so at Adventureland walking to the main street, we walked together, chatting. :]
We got to the main street and there was a parade coming, so we sat down and waited.
I was sitting next to Nicole, then suddenly one of the Disneyland staffers came and asked me to sit in front of the spot I was seating in, which so happens to be right next to him... "=.= Coincidence?
Anyway, we had lots of fun riding rides.
Watching 2 or 3 parades.
The Buzz Lightyear game was super fun too!~ :P
After that, we sat down for a cute dinner. X3
I ate chicken, eggs and rice. :] It was cho-yummy.
A random picture of Uncle Mitsu & Me. :]
And that was our wonderful wonderful Disneyland/sea adventure. :]
I hope I can do something like this again soon! :P
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