Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gila Gila Japan Photos & ETC

Here are some photos of our trip. :]
Me & John Kor Kor making 'OH!' faces.
Double CHEESE!!! XD
Yes, it is what you think it is. :P KELLY'S BRA. :3
Kelly holding her bra to the Cinnamonroll, Esther Jieh's hand on the right, and Jenny Jeh's on the left.
And another. :P
We really like retarded group photos.. :P
LOL? Esther Jieh... What you doing?
Esther Jieh ruined our nice photo. :P
Tomoko helping Kelly put on her Yukata. :]
Me & Kelly with Sanrio Puroland mascots. :D
Me in Yukata. :] Don't I look Japanese?
I'm such a good daughter, I blocked the big stomach view of my dad. :S
We all look so cool! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Puffy-pouty faces. :8
Me and my Yun-Yun. Obviously, Yun-Seon named it.
The two silly heads.
Esther Jieh... You look REALLY REALLY drunk. LOL.