Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cosplay Cafe

Hey ya'll!
I was thinking of opening a cosplay type of cafe. :]
Not one of those over the top ones, but a simple place that has:
. desserts. tea
. coffee
. light meals
. COSTUMES!I have a few costumes planned so far:

MaidNurseAir StewardessAngel & DevilCheong SamBut obviously not as SEXY as these la.
I mean, Malaysia would sue me or something!

Anyways, was thinking of names for the cafe.
CY thought of 'At Your Service'.
I thought it would be a good name for a just MAID CAFE.
Not a costume cosplay one like this.
I thought of a more simple name that rolls of the tongue.
But I won't reveal it here. :]
Because I like the name and might be using it.